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main earthing terminal中文是什么意思

用"main earthing terminal"造句"main earthing terminal"怎么读"main earthing terminal" in a sentence


  • 总接地终端


  • Designers and registered electrical workers may be uncertain whether conductive parts such as metallic bathroom accessories , metallic windows or metallic door handles are extraneous conductive parts . when difficulties are encountered , you may carry out a measurement as illustrated in figures 4 and 5 . in figure 4 , a is an exposed conductive part with a resistance rcpc to main earthing terminal
    附图四载列外露非带电金属部分a及怀疑为非电气装置金属部分b (例如是金属水喉管或木门的金属手柄) , a对总接地终端的阻抗为rcpc , b对地的阻抗为rx 。
  • Failure to ensure that the extraneous conductive parts were effectively connected to the main earthing terminal of the fixed electrical installation , under the condition that the former and any adjacent earthed metal work of electrical equipment were simultaneously accessible , in contravention of regulation 11 ( 4 ) of the electricity ( wiring ) regulations
    未能确保将非电气装置金属部分有效地与固定电力装置的总接地终端连接,而邻近电力器具的已接地金属部份与该非电气装置金属部分可同时被触摸,违反了《电力(线路)规例》第11 ( 4 )条的规定。
用"main earthing terminal"造句  
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